Review: Blood of the Chosen by Django Wexler


Four centuries ago, a devastating war wiped out the Elder races and left the human Dawn Republic to rule over a land filled with magical relics and plagued by diseases. Now, a new conflict is brewing and siblings Maya and Gyre find themselves on opposite sides. Maya was taken by the Twilight Order at five years old and trained to use forbidden magic as a centarch, enforcing the Republic’s laws. Her brother Gyre vowed to destroy the Order that took her away. After twelve years, Maya has become the Order’s brightest student as Burningblade while Gyre has become Silvereye, a thief and revolutionary.


I wasn’t at all surprised by how much I enjoyed the second book in the Burningblade & Silvereye series, Blood of the Chosen, given how much I liked the first book, Ashes of The Sun. The focus on the complex relationship between the two siblings, Maya and Gyre, continues to be a highlight of the story. I found it refreshing to see how their opposing beliefs and loyalties drove the plot forward, adding a layer of emotional depth that is often missing in other fantasy novels.

One thing that stood out to me was the recap of the previous book at the beginning of this one. It was helpful to have a reminder of the important details, especially since there are so many fantasy series out there to keep track of.

Overall, I found the story to be well-paced and engaging, with plenty of action and political intrigue to keep me interested. The world-building continued to be rich and immersive, with new magical elements and creatures introduced that added to the story’s complexity. All in all, I would highly recommend this book to fans of epic fantasy and those looking for a unique sibling-centered story.

The second installment of the Burningblade & Silvereye series, Blood of the Chosen, picks up right where Ashes of the Sun left off, albeit at a slower pace. This is expected, as the characters need to process the aftermath of the previous book. Like the first book, I found myself enjoying the political aspects, action scenes, and character relationships that were well-written. The sequel further delves into the complex worldbuilding by exploring the conflict between the Ghouls, Chosen, and the Order. However, I feel that there is so much more to be explored and uncovered in this world, and I am excited to see how the mysteries and histories unfold in the upcoming books.

Blood of the Chosen showcases the personal growth of the characters, particularly Maya, as they confront the consequences of their actions and navigate the complicated world around them. While I appreciated the individual character development, I was disappointed that the sibling dynamic between Maya and Gyre was not explored as much as I had hoped. The two characters mostly operate separately, pursuing their own objectives and paths. However, I remain optimistic for the next book in the series to delve deeper into their relationship and bring them together in a more meaningful way.

The relationships between Maya and Beq, and Varo and Gyre are still entertaining and enjoyable to read. Gyre remains determined to achieve his goal, but with a new approach. It was amusing to see him frustrated by the infighting among rebel factions, a common trope in rebellion stories. The fact that they are wasting time arguing over minor issues instead of focusing on their common enemy is both ironic and comical.

The only downside for me was the ending, and that’s not because it was bad, but because it left me hanging and eagerly anticipating the next book in the series. Overall, I highly recommend this book.



Amazing Book Covers of Burningblade & Silvereye Series

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