Review: All This Twisted Glory by Tahereh Mafi





As the long-lost heir to the Jinn throne, Alizeh has finally found her people—and she might’ve found her crown. Cyrus, the mercurial ruler of Tulan, has offered her his kingdom in a twisted exchange: one that would begin with their marriage and end with his murder.

Cyrus’s dark reputation precedes him; all the world knows of his blood-soaked past. Killing him should be easy—and accepting his offer might be the only way to fulfill her destiny and save her people. But the more Alizeh learns of him, the more she questions whether the terrible stories about him are true.

Ensnared by secrets, Cyrus has ached for Alizeh since she first appeared in his dreams many months ago. Now that he knows those visions were planted by the devil, he can hardly bear to look at her—much less endure her company. But despite their best efforts to despise each other, Alizeh and Cyrus are drawn together over and over with an all-consuming thirst that threatens to destroy them both.

Meanwhile, Prince Kamran has arrived in Tulan, ready to exact revenge…


Reviewed by Dakota Watson

I am extremely conflicted about rating All This Twisted Glory and the entire series, if I am being honest. On one hand, there’s no denying that the book delivers a continuation of the story that fans have been eagerly awaiting. Yet, on the other hand, I can’t shake off my frustrations with the pacing that seems to fluctuate like a rollercoaster ride. In reflecting on the series as a whole, it’s apparent that each installment has its own rhythm. The first book set the stage with a steady pace, flawlessly introducing us to the world and its characters. It felt like stepping into a well-crafted universe where every detail had its place. However, the second book took us on a wild ride with breakneck speed, leaving little room to catch our breath as we raced through twists and turns. Now, with All This Twisted Glory, the pace seems to have shifted once again, but this time to a frustratingly slow trot.

Despite my reservations about the pacing, I must acknowledge the strengths of the book. The writing remains sharp, the characters continue to evolve, and there are still moments of brilliance scattered throughout.

Alizeh and Cyrus, in particular, underwent remarkable transformations that added depth and complexity to their personas. It was gratifying to witness their growth unfold organically, providing a glimpse into the inner workings of their minds and hearts. While I am still not a huge fan of how Alizeh feels that deep a bond toward Cyrus only having spent around a week with him, I enjoyed watching her thinking like a queen and how she can advance her reign by weighing out options.

Kamran’s character, while still grating on my nerves with his vanity and immaturity, showed signs of potential development that piqued my interest. I’m intrigued to see how the author plans to further explore his arc and whether he’ll undergo a genuine evolution or remain stuck in his ways. Although it’s obvious Mafi is trying out the trope of ‘enemies to lovers’ with Kamran and Huda, I still enjoyed their ridiculous interactions.

Hazan, too, emerged as a compelling figure, with his motivations and inner conflicts coming into sharper focus. His expanded role added an extra layer of intrigue to the story, leaving me eager to learn more about his journey. As for Omid and Deen, I couldn’t help but question their relevance to the larger narrative. While they may have their own arcs to follow, I couldn’t shake the feeling that their presence felt somewhat peripheral compared to the more central characters. On the other hand, witnessing Huda’s gradual transformation from a sheltered and shunted girl to someone more assertive and self-assured was a highlight for me. Her journey of self-discovery added a refreshing dynamic to the ensemble cast and left me rooting for her every step of the way.

Compared to the first book of this series, the sequels were just ok books in my personal point of view. However I am still interested in reading the next installments because I like the premise of the story.

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