Review: Wicked is the Reaper by Nisha J. Tuli

It’s the day of the Hunt, and I’ve always known it would decide my future. The man who brings the largest stag to the feet of my father will win my hand in marriage.
My oldest friend and the greatest hunter in Aetherus is favored to win, and we’ve planned our entire lives together.
That is, until the Reaper, the monster who haunts the trees, arrives with the largest stag in the forest and claims me as his own.
Reviewed by Nethra Deckland
I dove into Nisha J. Tuli’s novella, Wicked is the Reaper, because her Nightfire Quartet had me hooked. Plus, a Beauty and the Beast retelling? Sign me up! Nisha’s writing absolutely shimmered, but that’s where the magic dimmed. Maybe it’s because novellas are tough for world building, but everything about Wicked is The Reaper felt a bit…meh. The plot unfolded exactly as I expected – predictable, and the characters were one dimensional.
Nisha isn’t afraid to crank up the heat, and the spicy scenes lived up to her usual flair. But Rowan and Wicked, despite their undeniable physical pull, felt more like roommates with benefits than soulmates. Don’t get me wrong, they were okay characters – just kind of one-note. I couldn’t find anything to make me truly root for them as a couple. It felt like all surface-level sizzle and no emotional depth.
While this was a very short novella and a fast read, I cannot say I was either impressed or satisfied as a reader at the end of the book. My two stars are for; one – for Nisha’s writing because I know she’s a great writer and two – for the well written spicy scenes.
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