Epic Fantasy

Review: The Judas Blossom by Stephen Aryan

Introduction: 1260, Persia: Due to the efforts of the great Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire covers a vast portion of the known world. In the shadow of his grandfather, Hulagu Khan, ruler of the Ilkhanate, is determined to create a single empire that covers the entire world. His method? Violence. His youngest son, Temujin Khan, …

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Review: Blood Over Bright Haven by M.L. Wang

Note: Sciona’s hair is neither blonde nor long. I just couldn’t find a suitable stock image that represented her. 🙁 Introduction: An orphan since the age of four, Sciona has always had more to prove than her fellow students. For twenty years, she has devoted every waking moment to the study of magic, fueled by …

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Review: City of Bones – Updated and Revised Edition by Martha Wells

Introduction: Before Martha Wells captured the hearts of MILLIONS with her Murderbot series , there was Khat, Sagai, and Elen, and a city risen out of death and decay… The city of Charisat, a tiered monolith of the Ancients’ design, sits on the edge of the vast desert known as the Waste. Khat, a member …

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